[iOS] — Content Hugging Priority

Swarandeep Singh Sran
4 min readJan 21, 2023


Before going to Content Hugging Priority, it is essential to understand a term called intrinsic content size.

So, what the is intrinsic content size? It is simple. It refers to the amount of space the view needs for its content to appear in an ideal state. That means how big a view should be based on what it displays.
Example: For UILabel, the intrinsic content size is the size of the text that it displays. The same goes for UIButton.

Content Hugging Priority: Sets the priority with which a view resists being made larger than its intrinsic size. — Apple docs (https://developer.apple.com/documentation/uikit/uiview/1622485-setcontenthuggingpriority)

The above statement means that the more the content hugging priority, the more it will resist to growing larger than its content intrinsic size. That is, the more the content hugging priority, the more the view will tend to hug its content and resist growing larger than the content intrinsic size. Always remember that priority is a relative term. So, when there is a deadlock between two views, one should have more content hugging priority than the other.

Let us understand this with an example. Note that I am using Xcode Version 14.0.1 and iPhone 14 Pro as the simulator for the following example.

Initial Setup

I have inserted two labels (Yellow label & Green label) and made them vertically centre on the view controller. For the yellow label, I have given a leading constraint of 32 px from the safe area leading, and for the green label, I have given a trailing constraint of 32 from the safe area trailing.

Constraints for Yellow Label
Constraints for Green Label

Pretty Smooth? Let us do the confusing thing (confusing for the Auto Layout 😜). If you check, the current space between the Yellow label and the Green label is 142.67 px (maybe different in your case if you haven’t proceeded with the same configurations as me). Let us create a new constraint that makes the space between these two labels 50 px (i.e., less than the current space)

We will notice Auto Layout throws an error. If we look into the error, we will see that Auto Layout asks us to change the Content Hugging priority of any one label.

Auto Layout Error

Let us first run our application without going deep into the error to see what happens.

Output on the simulator. The Green Label get expanded

The Green label gets expanded to satisfy the constraint of 50 px space between both labels. Auto Layout needed clarification about which label(s) to grow to meet the 50 px constraint, hence throwing the initial error. At runtime, it randomly increased the width of the Green label to break the deadlock (it may be the Yellow label in your case).

So, here Content Hugging Priority comes into play. If we go into the size inspector tabs of both labels, we will see that both labels’ horizontal content hugging priority is set to 251 (the default value). This means both labels have similar content hugging priority. One label should have a higher priority constraint than the other to break the tie.

Now, let us change the content hugging priority of the Green label to 252 and see what happens next.

Setting Content Hugging Priority of Green Label to 252

We see that the Auto Layout error has been resolved and the Yellow label has expanded, and the Green label hugs to its intrinsic content size because now it has higher content hugging priority than the Yellow label. As mentioned earlier, the one view with higher horizontal content hugging priority will not grow beyond its intrinsic content size.

Now try changing the content hugging priority of the Yellow label to 253 and see what happens next 🤔.

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